Sahil Singh

B.Tech student in CSE with specialization in AI&ML,having knowledge of web development and machine learning

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About Me

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Passionate about creating Web Pages and working on projects based on Machine Learning,My enthusiasm lies in consistently enhancing my programming skills .I thrive on problem solving challenges and possess strong leadership skills, ready to navigate and contribute effectively in this ever-evolving field

  • My Skills Are: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java,Python,Machine Learning using Python


Student Record System

A web-based student record management system that allows for creating, reading, updating, and deleting student records and calculating the average grade of all students.Built using Java, JSP, and SQLite, the system provides a user-friendly interface for efficient student data management, including form-based data entry and dynamic data retrieval.

  • Concepts Used Are: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java,JSP,JDBS,Database(SQLite)

Online Books Store

An online bookstore in Java that allows users to search, add, and buy books, and view earnings, all connected to a database using JDBC.It also provides book recommendations based on the user's favorite book using a collaborative filtering recommender system built with a machine learning model in Python, integrated through a Flask API.

  • Concepts Used Are:Java,JSP, JDBC,Database(SQLite), Python,Machine Learning, API(Flask)

Movie Recommender Systems

Two comprehensive recommendation systems that suggests movies to users built using Python. Two models having Content-Based and Collaborative Filtering approaches respectively. The Content-Based system recommends movies based on the similarity of items (Item-Item Filtering), while the Collaborative Filtering system suggests movies by comparing user preferences (User-User Filtering).

  • Concepts Used Are: Python,Machine Learning


A simple calculator to perform basic calculations bulit using HTML,CSS and JavaScript

  • Concepts Used Are:HTML, CSS,Bootsrap,JavaScript

Landing Page

A landing page to a ------ website built using HTML,CSS and JavaScript

  • Concepts Used Are:HTML, CSS,Bootsrap,JavaScript

Contact Me

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